Rich Man Humiliates Boy Shining Shoes in Underpass

My dog’s tongue skills may use some improvement! In an underpass, a wealthy guy belittles a poor youngster polishing shoes and declines to give money. However, destiny draws them together once more the following day, with an unexpected turn of events neither could have predicted. The shuffling of hasty footsteps resonated along the tunnel. Martin, 14, was sitting calmly by the wall with his gleaming kit in front of him, oblivious to the bustle around him. His eyes flashed, hoping, at every sneaker that went by, hoping to see a customer.

“Only a small number,” he said to himself. “Today, just a small number, please.” Martin’s stomach grewled in protest as the day went on. The two bread slices for breakfast felt like a faraway memory. He grabbed his water bottle and took a tiny sip to sate his appetite. He reminded himself, “Martin, you can do this.” “For Josephine and Mother.” His courage was reinforced by the image of his tiny sister and disabled mother waiting for him at home. With his best smile on display, he was prepared to take on the challenges of the day.

“Mr., how are you shining? Ma’am?” His voice was hardly audible above the noise of the underpass as he cried out. The hours passed, yet nobody took a break. Martin’s dreams started to fade, but he did not give up. He gave himself permission to finally relax for a bit as the afternoon sun beat down. Reaching inside his battered leather satchel, he withdrew a tiny orange—his midday meal.

A pair of grimy brown leather shoes landed in front of him with a loud thud just as he started to peel it. “Go quickly, child. Make it clean. I’m in a rush,” a rough voice yelled. With a mixture of exhilaration and anxiety, Martin peered up. The man above him was a picture of wealth from head to toe. This could be his opportunity to get a nice tip. “Go now, sir!” Martin spoke as he put down his orange and grabbed his supplies.

The man’s frustration increased as he worked on the brown leather shoes. What is causing the delay? It is not my entire day! Despite a tiny shake in his hands, Martin concentrated on providing his finest service. “Almost finished, gentleman. It will look fantastic, I swear.” The man sneered. “I was already earning more than my father at your age. I was not a shoe shiner like a homeless person.

Martin was hurt by their remarks. His father was killed by an intoxicated driver three years prior, shattering their family. Martin was still plagued by the recollections of that fatal night, including the horrifying crunch of metal, the tires’ shrieking, and the terrible news that followed. Martin’s world fell apart just a few months after his father passed away when his mother Mariam became paralyzed due to a stroke.

He had taken on the role of a provider at the age of eleven, giving up his youth to pursue his late father’s career as a shoe shiner. He ignored the recollections that were about to overwhelm him. It was his job to do. He needed to feed his family.

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