Brother Derrick, 4, and Sister Harmony, 7, Tragically Died During Hurricane Helene: Details

The Taylors’ normally enjoyable evening took a terrible turn from the beginning. They blew each other kisses, not knowing that in the morning they would have to deal with terrible news. Among the more than two dozen Georgians who perished in the catastrophic storm were a brother and his sister. The community has been deeply impacted by this horrific occurrence as families deal with the devastating death of loved ones. The evening of the Taylor night began with the kids lounging around with their parents and enjoying some quality time. On September 26, 2024, 34-year-old Crystal Taylor and her oldest kid, 11-year-old Cassidy, cuddled up on the living room couch and fell asleep

The two had been watching a cooking show called “Beat Bobby Flay,” while Crystal watched her phone for weather updates. Herbert Taylor, 39, Crystal’s spouse, and their two other children, Harmony, 7, and Derrick, 4, were sound sleeping in their bed at the same time. The family knew that Hurricane Helene was headed toward eastern Middle Georgia, but they did not know where it would make landfall or how much of an impact it would have further inland.

After midnight, the violent storm tore across the region, roaring across the Ocmulgee and Oconee rivers and advancing from Valdosta into Augusta. In the end, the 5,500-person city of Sandersville—which is situated in the middle of the triangle made up of Macon, Statesboro, and Augusta—found itself squarely in the path of the storm.

Crystal’s mother called to see if their trees were still intact at about 4:00 a.m. They were, Crystal reassured her, even if the wind had picked up a lot. A huge oak tree with a trunk as broad as a truck tire towered over the backyard. On sunny days, the tree’s wide canopy shaded much of the home and the backyard, and it stayed upright. Herbert, a heavy equipment operator, watched his truck’s cover lift into the air as he peered out the window.

His two youngest children were sleeping in his bedroom, so he turned to head that way down the hall. The house exploded before he could get to them. Derrick and Harmony were resting when the massive oak tree toppled upon their bedding. As an electrical fire was sparked by the hit, Herbert exclaimed, “My kids.” Cassidy and Crystal, meantime, hurried to a neighbor’s house in order to be safe.

Even though Cassidy was in tears, she contacted 911 without losing her temper. She added, “A tree fell on top of our house,” and gave the address of their residence. It includes my 7-year-old sister and my 4-year-old brother. The home is engulfed in flames.” When rescuers got to the Taylor home on South Hospital Road, the storm was still howling. After putting out the fire, Derrick and Harmony were trapped since the enormous oak tree blocked their path. “I can not go to my babies,” cried Crystal. She was afraid that shouting their names would make them scream out and that she would not be able to save them.

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