Woman Sees Her Husband Enter Motel with Girl and Come Out an Hour Later Shabby – Story of the Day

A woman had a gut feeling that her husband was cheating on her, so she decided to follow him to a motel one day where she discovered why he had been going home tired and shabby. Evelyn was a forty-two-year-old homemaker who was married to a doctor and had two wonderful children. As she and her husband were considered part of the “elite” families in their neighborhood, she paid a lot of attention to her reputation and how others perceived her family. Since she was a child, she had always dreamt of becoming a preschool teacher.

However, after becoming a mother, she put her career on the back burner and utilized her teaching skills to help her children with their homework. For her, family was so important because she grew up living in a broken home after her parents divorced when she was only a child. Although her mother once told her that her father had left them to go to work in a far away country, she discovered when she was older that her father had actually cheated on her mom. Since then, she vowed that the same thing would not happen to her, and she’d work towards having an ideal family life.

Evelyn was living that ideal family life – they were the picture-perfect family, with a doctor for a husband and kids who were Straight-A students. Every morning, Evelyn would wake up to make breakfast for the entire family.

Everyone would go down to the kitchen and discuss the morning news and their plans for the day before it was time to head to school and work. Evelyn enjoyed the life she lived and was happy that her family adored her cooking. Evelyn’s husband, Robert, was a well-respected surgeon. He was the most trusted doctor to perform complex operations in their town, and people would fly in from other states just to be treated by him. Meanwhile, Evelyn was happy to stay at home and wait for her children and husband to come home. When she wasn’t cleaning the house or preparing meals, she’d be at the yoga studio for her daily class, or at the coffee shop with fellow housewives in their neighborhood.

One day, she was surprised when her husband didn’t arrive home in time for dinner. He had not told her he would be late, so this upset her. Robert arrived home an hour later than usual, and Evelyn and their children were already done eating. He looked tired and shabby, so Evelyn asked what happened. “Are you okay? You look exhausted,” she told him. “It was a tough day at work. I had to stay late because of a rare case,” he explained before devouring the food on the table. Being the meticulous woman that she was, Evelyn wasn’t convinced by her husband’s answer. She sensed something was wrong but decided not to act upon it first.

However, the next day, during breakfast, Evelyn noticed her husband’s phone light up with a message that read “Will you be coming over today?” When Robert saw her gazing at the phone, he immediately flipped his phone facing down. Evelyn’s gut feeling was telling her that her husband was cheating on her. However, she chose not to argue with him since she wasn’t ready to face the truth should she confirm he was indeed seeing somebody else.

Instead, that evening, she waited for Robert to leave the hospital where he worked. At 6:00 PM, he left on time, as he did every day. He got into his car and drove off while Evelyn hailed a taxi to follow him. A couple of minutes later, his car stopped in front of a motel. At this point, Evelyn’s heart was racing, and she was shaking uncontrollably. She got out of the cab and hid near the entrance.

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